Using Gold standard recommendations our new vet hospital offers a stress free environment for feline visitors. To improve the patient experience, we have created separate sections throughout our new hospital that are only for cats. (Rabbits and Guinea pigs are allowed as well).
Our aim is to create an environment that encourages an overall positive veterinary experience
Reception/Consult room
A separate reception area with a resting platform for cat carriers as well as feline only consult rooms ensures a relaxed visit for our feline guests.
Waiting Room
A separate closed room ensures our feline guests wait in peace. Custom built "cat parking" gives your cat privacy from other waiting patients while staying calm as they are able to still see you sitting across from them.
Cat Hospital
A separate climate controlled sound insulated hospital room enables patients to wait in a peaceful environment pre and post-surgery assisting in providing a positive experience.
Feline Surgery
A custom feline surgery suite is utilised for all surgical procedures. Every surgery has a trained nurse using the latest equipment to monitor patients throughout the surgical process